Friday 1 November 2013


          Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh..        

                                                     Today is Friday....                                    

                                    In Islam , Friday is a mothers of all days..

                     I like Friday because in my place it is a holiday.. hehe.. :D

            many thing we can do in Friday thats beneficial more than any day....

                                                            such as..:

                1 - Men are obligated to participate in Friday Prayer.

                2 - recommended to increase supplication

                3 - encouraged to wish peace be upon prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)

                4 - recommended that Muslims recite surat Al-Kahf

                5 - important to come early to the Friday prayer.

                6 - Wearing perfume on Friday; this is better than wearing perfume 
                               on any other day of the  week.

                7 - Cleaning the teeth with the siwaak; this is better than using the 
                      siwaak on any other day.

                 8 - The command to do ghusl (take a bath for the purpose of 
                        purification) on Friday; this command is most emphatic.

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